miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2015

        My favourite TV show: "Doraemon, Cosmic Cat"

My favorite TV show when I was little was "Doraemon, Cosmic Cat".

The program for children was about a cat of the future who helped his friend Novita in their daily lives. In addition, he advised, explaining how to overcome the problems I had, for example, poor grades at school, problems of love with the girl he liked, problems with his mother, etc.
At the same time,Novita helped to Doraemon face his phobia: the mice. At the same time, he helped him conquer the cat he wanted love.
Doraemon gave various technological devices of the future to Novita, but always Novita ruined everything. These facts were repetitive, and cheered me a lot, because it meant that the program was not going to ever end.
This program saw every day in the Chilevisión channel. The nights were very entertaining with Doraemon and Novita adventures.
Doraemon was my favorite show because it represents the story of two friends who despite the problems that people may have, the friendship exceeds the diversity of the life.

Doraemon is the great program of my life. :D

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