sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2015

The Best Concert I've seen

 It is very difficult to say which was my favorite concert , because there are many that have marked my life. However , there is a concert that marked my life , but unfortunately  I do not remember the exact date. I just know it happened when I was finishing the year 2007 or 2008 , and was at the Teatro Municipal de Santiago: I went to see the opera called " The Magic Flute" by Mozart .
I liked this show because it was the first time I went to musical theater , and therefore my first live encounter with my favorite music: classical music.
I remember I was nervous, because it was all very new to me : the architecture , the environment, and music mingled harmoniously , creating a space of absolute tranquility.
Something that surprised me was the " Aria Witch Night " , whose action is performed by a soprano , which should have a very high register voice.

It is a opera I recommend going to see , because it is very funny , and besides.

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