jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2015


In this post I want to present my photography. In my life I have watched several pictures, but my favorite is one that is emblem in the resistance that made the people against the fascist army , whose army was commanded by General Mola.

I do not know who the author of this photo , but I know that this photo was taken in July 1936 .

It's my favorite picture because it represents the union of a people yearning respect , dignity and freedom. It also represents a time which shows that anarchism is not a utopia , but it is something that can be done , despite having been defeated by the weapons of the Spanish fascist army .

Finally , I would like to add the pa Finally , I would like to add a painting showing freedom for Spanish workers. This freedom was the CNT ( National Workers Union ) , for collecting the Spanish anarchist spiritinting showing the freedom for the Spanish workers. This freedom was the CNT ( National Workers Union ), because collecting the Spanish anarchist spirit.

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