viernes, 18 de diciembre de 2015

Post 10: My Blogging Experience

My experience in the blogs has been very funny and motivating, because for my the english lenguaje is very important for my academichal life. So, I think that the blogs are very very good idea.
Respect to my development, I think that during this semester I have understanded and learn writing in english better than I did before, and thats because I am happy and more interested for undertanded more the english, because I think study in Europe a postgrade, for example: social political, sociology and economics, or Philosophy.
I would like that in the future writing the topics of musics favourite, philosophy favourite, ecology, political ideological favourite, etc. For me, the anarky is the solution for life in a better world and without domination.
My favourite topic is the music and the politic, because they are very important issues for everyone. For me, it’s always very good to write and sing music, because it is a important way of express feelings. Respect to the political, is very important tath there discussion for change social and economics, more inclusive and justice social.
In general, my experience it was excellent.

sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2015

Post 9: My Best Friend

My best friend is called Santiago Mena. He is a grand friend and a grand music.
I do not remember exactly how I met him,  I just know that suddenly became good friends. We met in college, because he's my running of sociology
We just over a year as friends because we met in college.
I consider it my best friend because I can trust him, in his word and in his silence .

I have many fun memories with him, such as when we smoke a lot of weed with another great friend I have: Angelo. We smoked much weed, much much weed, and listening Pink Floyd.

In general, my friend Santiago it is a grand partner and brother.

The Best Concert I've seen

 It is very difficult to say which was my favorite concert , because there are many that have marked my life. However , there is a concert that marked my life , but unfortunately  I do not remember the exact date. I just know it happened when I was finishing the year 2007 or 2008 , and was at the Teatro Municipal de Santiago: I went to see the opera called " The Magic Flute" by Mozart .
I liked this show because it was the first time I went to musical theater , and therefore my first live encounter with my favorite music: classical music.
I remember I was nervous, because it was all very new to me : the architecture , the environment, and music mingled harmoniously , creating a space of absolute tranquility.
Something that surprised me was the " Aria Witch Night " , whose action is performed by a soprano , which should have a very high register voice.

It is a opera I recommend going to see , because it is very funny , and besides.

lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2015

Post 7: An Expert on your field

It is very difficult to find someone to emphasize, because there are many. However, there is a man who is very inspiring for the philosophy : his name is Karl Marx.

Karl Marx was born on May 5, 1818 in the Kingdom of Prussia, and died on 14 March 1883. He was aphilosopher, intellectual and militant communist German Jew.
His studies were used to develop theories applicable to the social sciences, and humanities. 
He developed (from historical materialism as a philosophical source) various theories related to the exploitation by the bourgeoisie to the proletariat, and that's why it was a great theorist of communism.

Marx believed that the way to emancipation of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie was through electoral mechanisms to reach the political, and through the " dictatorship of the proletariat " come to socialism , and finally come to communism , ie the eradication of the State . I am anarcho - communist think that Marx was an important theoretical , but for me it is better to eradicate the State directly , because this way the problems of corruption are avoided and directly eradicate the bureaucracy in the relations social – economic.
I Like Marx because he is a grand theorist for the phylosophy, economic, and sociology, but I differ from him. His most important contribution is historical materialism, to establish a linked to the material conditions of story of the existence of the human.

viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015

Post 6: My Favorite Movie

In this post I want to write some of my favorite movie.
There are many movies that I like, but my favorite is the movie called "The Pianist “.

This film acts a great actor, and his name is Adrien Brody. Anymore, the cast of the movie. It consists of Thomas Kretschmann, Frank Finlay, Maureen Lipman, Emilia Fox, Ed Stoppard, Julia Rayner, and Jessica Kate Meyer.

This film is about the life of a Polish and Jewish pianist, especifically of Warsaw, whose name is Wladyslaw Szpliman, who had to survive in a Poland ravaged by the Second World War. This pianist remain in the Warsaw Gheto. 

My favorite part of this movie is when the pianist plays for a german soldier who discovers it, and plays a beautiful piece of Chopin, which is the Ballade No 1  in G minor. 

I like this movie because it shows us that wars only generate deaths, and only make that rich win more influential economycs and political, and that the poor are still exploited. In addition, it is inspiring that the pianist never dropped his passion: the music.
This movie is perfect, so I think he would not change anything.

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2015


In this post I want to present my photography. In my life I have watched several pictures, but my favorite is one that is emblem in the resistance that made the people against the fascist army , whose army was commanded by General Mola.

I do not know who the author of this photo , but I know that this photo was taken in July 1936 .

It's my favorite picture because it represents the union of a people yearning respect , dignity and freedom. It also represents a time which shows that anarchism is not a utopia , but it is something that can be done , despite having been defeated by the weapons of the Spanish fascist army .

Finally , I would like to add the pa Finally , I would like to add a painting showing freedom for Spanish workers. This freedom was the CNT ( National Workers Union ) , for collecting the Spanish anarchist spiritinting showing the freedom for the Spanish workers. This freedom was the CNT ( National Workers Union ), because collecting the Spanish anarchist spirit.

sábado, 17 de octubre de 2015

Post 4: My Favorite Festivity


My favorite festivity is the Independence Day . These festivals are held on 18 and September 19 of each year.
The origin of this celebration dates back to 1810 , when an aristocrat open council ruled loyalty to the King of Spain who until then was imprisoned by Louis Bonaparte. It is from that time so erroneous that celebrates the " Independence of Chile " .
Usually at this time I take outstanding reading books, sleeping a lot, relax and hang out with my family. This year I wanted to spend more time with my girlfriend , and went to O'Higgins Park to enjoy a beautiful afternoon reading books on sociology and lifting kites .

I hate this holiday because everyone loves his country , and I hate the idea of nation , because it generates many evils such as xenophobia. However , what we like about this festival is that I can rest in my free time and enjoy life .